Port Isabel Patriotic Spirit Celebration 7/4 10a-2p
Port Isabel Patriotic Spirit Celebration! Friday, July 4, 2014 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Parade (Start Garriga Elementary. To: South Shore Drive. End: WashingtonPark) Games Vendors Food (Free Hotdogs) Music (DJ Epifanio Valdez) Contests (Costume Contest, Sack Race, Best Float, Hotdog Eating Contest, Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest) Sponsored by: City of Port Isabel Port Isabel…
Queen Isabella Market Day 4/12 at the LIGHTHOUSE
The Museums of Port Isabel and the City of Port Isabel invite you to enjoy a day filled with live entertainment, vendors, food, family fun on the grounds of the Historic Port Isabel Lighthouse! Queen Isabella Market Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 12th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There is no admission charge to the…
Lighthouse Decorated for Halloween!